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World Of Warcraft - Alliance
Pas de nouvelles Races pour l'extension
20.12.07 - 13:11 par Dems

C'est maintenant officiel, il n'y aura pas de nouvelles races pour la prochaine extension: Wrath of the Lich King.

L'annonce officielle et les explications ont été faites sur les forums américains hier. Blizzard préfère se concentrer sur l'ajout de la nouvelle classe de héros, le Chevalier de la Mort.

Blizzard explique tout de même qu'ils ne sont pas contre le fait d'ajouter de nouvelles races au jeu, mais qu'ils n'ont simplement pas assez de temps pour le faire à la prochaine extension. En effet, de nouvelles races exigeraient de nouvelles zones de départ, de nouvelles quêtes, etc.

We are not "against" new races so to speak, but we don't want to force new ones into the game just for the sake of having them either.

In The Burning Crusade we launched 2 new races, we put a lot of development time into making them fit into the game along with the 2 starting zones that each of them now have.

In Wrath of the Lich King we are focusing on the first ever Hero Class, the Deathknight. While you may think a lot of people aren't excited over it, I think a lot of people really are. Right now there really isn't a lot of information to share beyond what was shown at BlizzCon four months ago. We are working really hard on developing it and when we are happy with the results more details will be shared and I'd bet the talks and excitement will flare up for it.

So why no new races? There are a lot of things that are fun ideas, but we did do this recently and we want to focus on other bigger and better things for out players to experience.

Will we never add new races then? Never is a bad word to use, there is always the possibility of this happening in the future, we just don't plan to do it for Wrath of the Lich King. :)

Source: Le post de Bornakk sur les forums officiels US (en Anglais)

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